The Truimphant Day Has Arrived

"I took it easily at first but it was not that easy", Sweata Sharma, an electrical engineering graduate of the year 2008 recalls her earlier days at Kathmandu University, "However due to reiterated commitments I could manage to plunge myself into study." With lots of efforts Sweata has now realized her dream.
Not only Sweata but also all graduates are much more excited to have met their hard-won goals- "the graduation day." A triumphant day as it is to get certified for what they have been learning over few years. As the convocation has approached they share a common spirit, "gone-four-years have earned us a delicious day." Says……….it is of course matter of pride and a day for mirthful indulgences as they celebrate their victory. "The graduation day means much to me", Avishek Shrestha, an Environmental Science graduate says, "besides hard toil, I can’t forget the 1st Year's sports week. Hostel's life was another memorable part in KU."
Convocation stands as one of the life's progress and achievement. "It comes once in lifetime, "Shyam Mishra CE-graduate 2008 explains the changes he met during the period of four years," In the beginning we ran errands as we were just teenagers. But, you know along with the completion of this level we become matured practically as well as theoretically. We seem to find ourselves of being responsible to ourselves, family as well as to the world."
"After four year’s tireless struggle (there were astray days also, of course) I have come to embrace the most joyous day in my life," Pratisthitlal Shrestha says," it is like a dream come true like what Brain Adams says. I can see myself rocking on the professional feats of life in upcoming days.”
The graduation ceremony is a cultural tradition that is considered a rite of passage. The ceremony marks a transition from one stage in a student’s life to another. Nonetheless, this day carries greater inspiration in anyone’s life.

नेपाली युवालार्इ कलामको प्रेरण्ाा'

पहिले त मैले आफ्‍नो पढार्इलार्इ सहज रुपमा लिने गथर्ें' इलेक्टि्रकल इञ्जिनियरिङ स्नातक तह(२००८ की दीक्ष्ाान्त स्वेता शर्मा आफ्‍ना विगतका दिनहरु सम्भmँदै थिइन्‍ 'तर, निरन्तर रुपमा परिश्रम गरिरहँे र आफूलार्इ पढार्इतफ कन्दि्रत गरें ।' कडा मिहेनत र संघर्ष्ापछि उनले आफ्‍नो सपना साकार पारिन्‍ । स्वेता मात्र होइन, काठमाडौं विश्वविद्यालयबाट स्नातक र स्नातकोत्तर तह उत्तीर्ण्ा गनर्े करिब १४ सय दीक्ष्ाान्तहरु परिश्रमको मिठो फल प्राप्त गर्दाको क्ष्ाण्ा एक आपसमा साटासाट गर्दै थिए । 'गएका ४ बर्ष्ा हाम्रा लागि महत्वपूर्ण्ा समयमा परिण्ात भएका छन्‍'(स्नातक तह सकेका केही विद्यार्थीहरु जीवनको यो अवस्थासम्म आइपुग्दा आफूहरु सैद्धान्तिक तथा व्यवहारिक रुपमा परिपक्व भएको महसुस गर्दै थिए ।मंगलबार धुलिखेलमा आयोजित काठमाडौं विश्वविद्यालयको १४ आैं दीक्ष्ाान्त समारोहका विशिष्ट अतिथि भारतका पूर्व राष्ट्रपति तथा वैज्ञानिक डा. एपीजे अब्दुल कलामको प्रेरण्ाादायी दीक्ष्ाान्त भाष्ाण्ा सुनेपछि उनीहरु थप उत्साहित बनेका थिए ।
रीड मोरे

Youth can change the world

"Youth can change the world"

Nepal passes through the political upheavals while it is in transitional time. The burning Terai has been discovering new threats to the nation. More or less, almost all of the youths are directly fighting against the conflicts. In spite of such a dreadful condition Kathmandu University made an effort to unite the youths of South Asia for peace and growth.

KU in collaboration with the Association of Indian Universities passed through the series of a five-day long gathering - South Asian University Festival 2008। The festival proved that South Asia is culturally rich। The folk songs and dances which existed in the lifestyle of the people of this region are full of hidden treasures. And these carry lots of prospects for its peace and prosperity.

इन्टरनेटमा चिठ्‍ठा

धेरै उत्सुक भएर साथीहरुले पठाएका इ(मेल पढ्‍न मैले इन्रनेटमा साइनइन गरेँ । एउटा नौलो इमेल आएको रहेछ जसमा लेखिएको थियो (बधार्इ छ , तपार्इं २ जना भाग्यशाली विजेतामध्येको एक हुनुहुन्छ । तपार्इंले १ करोड डलर जित्नुभएको छ '(भmापाका सन्दिप घिमिरेआफूले इमेलमाफत पहिलो पटक एउटा नौलो चिठी पाउँदाको अनुभव सुनाउँदै थिए('इमेल पढेपछि म निकै खुसी भएँ । अभm भनौं मेरो खुसीको कुनै सिमा रहेन ।'कुरा हत्तपत्त अनलाइन रहेको अर्को साथीलार्इ सुनाएको बताउँदै उनले भने(' आश्चर्य मान्दै उसले जवाफ पठायो(ए तँलार्इ पनि चिठ्‍ठा पर्‍यो ? उसले त आफ्‍नो पासवर्डसमेत लेखेर इमेलमाफत रिप्लार्इ दिइसकेको रहेछ । फेरि मैले मेरो जिमेलमा लगअन गरें । त्यहाँ पनि त्यही मेल भेटें । अब भने मेरा सपना एकाएक विलाए ।